To truly master something, you have to know the fine details of how it works. If you want to be a racecar driver you must know all about how your engine works. If you’re a pilot, you have to know everything about how your plane works and operates, and if you want to be a truly amazing lover, you need to know exactly how a pussy works!

Believe me, a huge percentage of men in the world don’t have a clue.

So let’s talk pussy!

I want to discuss two critical keys to giving your woman more pleasure than she’s ever experienced. It’s pretty simple:

  1. Know her anatomy (her pussy)
  2. Apply this knowledge during sex

Understanding Her Anatomy

Have you ever researched the pussy? I’m talking about knowing the locations of her fundamental orgasm triggers: the clitoris and the G-Spot. If you haven’t, then get thee to an internet browser and study up. This should be your top priority, because you can’t master something you don’t understand!

Once you’re familiar with the basics — or if you’re already a pussy pro — you should be aware of ALL the feminine erectile tissue.

Recent 3-D sonograph imaging of an aroused clitoris has revealed legs (crua) that extend all the way to her inner thighs, as well as the large vestibular bulbs right behind her labia majora (outer lips).
What many of us have been imagining as a tiny organ the size of a pencil eraser is actually many times bigger than that.

Watch this video of a 3-D clitoris in space. It looks like some kind of spacecraft! Check out the head (the part that we usually refer to as the “clit”), the crua, and the vestibular bulbs.

Applying Your Knowledge

Now that you understand her anatomy better than ever, start to pay more attention to these key areas during foreplay. Spend plenty of time touching her pubic mound, her outer lips and her perineum before zeroing in on her clit.

Doing this will not only turn her on and give her a lot of pleasure, but once those spongy areas are fully engorged, it will feel great for YOU when you’re finally inside of her.

As her arousal increases, continue to focus on her underlying genital anatomy. At first it may seem a little weird to say to yourself, “I’m stroking the head and shaft of her clitoris above her inner lips and through her clitoral hood,” but it actually produces amazing results. That level of focus is a huge turn-on for her. Your touch has now become more informed and attuned.

You may never have put your attention on her in this way before.
She’ll really feel the difference.

For instance, the next time you’re going down on her and she’s really turned on, slip a finger inside of her. Now remember your anatomy research? Find the G-Spot and stroke it. There it is! I can feel it responding, getting puffier.

Hmmm. What about those legs of the clitoris that I saw in the video? Can I feel them, too? Maybe if I add another finger I can feel both crua at the same time. Can’t really tell. I wonder if I can touch her deep spot, next to her cervix? Oh, I think she likes that!

Once you start getting comfortable visualizing the underlying anatomy, your natural curiosity and creativity will take over.

You try new strokes and track her response. Suddenly you find yourself giving her an earth-shattering orgasm from a stroke you never imagined that’s custom-designed for her pleasure: “While licking her clit I slide two fingers all the way in, next to her cervix, then slowly pull them out, touching along the anterior vaginal wall to her G-Spot. Then I separate the fingers slightly and rub both sides of the G-Spot in a circular motion for a few seconds before bringing them together and sliding them back near her cervix. She’s going crazy!”

Continue to keep her anatomical map in mind once you’re having intercourse. The difference is that you’re now using your cock instead of your fingers to stimulate those areas. It can get tricky when you start fucking her from behind because the 3-D anatomy map turns upside down!

It took me a while to get this one — to flip the map of the pussy in my head during doggy-style sex. But once you do, it starts to make a lot of sense why so many women like this position. Not only do they like the “animal” feeling of it, but your cock is more likely to properly stimulate their G-Spot from this angle.

I’ve given you some ideas that can help you really attune to your woman’s anatomy and pleasure. I hope you take this material and run with it! May you turn your woman on like never before.

“Breakthrough in the Bedroom” Master Coach

P.S. If you enjoyed this article and would like to become a true master in the bedroom, you might want to check out the Awakened Masculine Coaching Process. This is a program I’ve developed for men who are truly motivated to overcome their uncertainty, fear or embarrassment and achieve sex and relationship ecstasy for themselves and their partner. Learn more here.